Early Guitars and Vihuela

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Does anyone know where to get hold of facsimiles of Diesel's guitar music?

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Dears friends,

i have found this:  http://cerl.epc.ub.uu.se/sportal/retrieve?sid=kbdk&qid=-1176697212 i think that some diesel's

soory i have some buz  with the links  you can find with rex

The Royal library of Denmark wrote to me telling me that they now have some of Diesels music online

try this link



Thank you for this Lars.

Although the cataloguer's note on the reverse of the cover mentions Diesel, the tablature hand looks to me more like that of his predecessor Johan Friedrich Fibiger (1680-1738).  Compare Diesels hand and Fibiger's in the other volumes (Gl.Kgl Saml 377 and Nk Kgl Saml 110) - especially the tablature letters b and f.  David Lyons's 1975 thesis (later published in the JLSA 'Nathaniel Diesel, Guitar tutor to a royal lady') only discusses Gl.Kgl Saml 377 and Nk Kgl Saml 110 and Kristian Buhl -Mortensen's papers also seem to focus on these two - see  http://buhl-mortensen.dk/fibiger.html.    Are you aware of any more work that has been done specifically on Gl.Kgl Saml 1879?


The guitar music starting on page 180 sounds somehow "thin". Are these pieces solos or are you supposed to combine them with the other music? if so, which pages?

Dear Jaun Pablo,

Gl.Kgl Saml 1879 seems to be a book for one (or two) accompanying instruments (guitar and/or bass - viol?) to pieces (sonatas etc) found in the other two books (Gl.Kgl Saml 377 and Nk Kgl Saml 110).  So you're right: they are too  thin on their own.  Having said that, neither Fibiger's or Diesel's music is particularly dense or harmonically rich. Interestingly, the accompanying guitar sometimes goes above the principal instrument - which is quite a nice effect.  I've never heard any of the duets so the field is wide open for a recording first!

I started to sort out which pieces fitted with those in other books but thought others might have already done this - hence my earlier query.


Dears friends,

i find to know  all the compositions of nathanaël Diesel   for guitar, some anyone  have information in the danich library have online just a little parts or it's all?


My guess is that they may have most of his works, but only a few are on-line.  If you check the Scores>> section of this network you will find quite a few duets that I have not seen on-line.  Yet, a careful examination of the link provided by Lars should keep you busy for a long time.


Just in case this old thread might trigger some fresh interest, I stumbled upon this link today :


The amount of guitar music is just enormous !



There three different links to the Royal library in cph. Containing music by Dielsel

GKS 377 folio


NKS 110 folio


GKS 1879







GKS 377 and NKS 110 folio are guitar music by Dielsel, Schickhard arrangements of german hymns and other Composers.


GKS 1879

is mainly bassparts and second guitar parts for the composistions in GKS 377 and NKS 110

What is Amazing about this collection is that we so much music for guitar and bass. Nice for for cello and guitar.

this collection is called princess Charlotte Amalie collection of scores. She was are very skillfull guitarist tought by Dielsel and Fibirger.

GKS 377 facsikel 1-4 and NKS 110 fascikel 6b corrospond with the bassbook GKS 1879

More information on this Can be obtained from Kristian Buhl Mortensen website it is in Danish. Use google translate or drop him an e-mail.


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