Early Guitars and Vihuela

A network for historic guitars and vihuelas

Juan Pablo Pira
  • Male
  • Santa Catarina Pinula, Guatemala
  • Guatemala
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Juan Pablo Pira's Friends

  • Jim Arlow
  • Cristiano Arata
  • sergio muselli
  • John Romey
  • Alfonso
  • Vladimir Kaminik
  • av8t0r
  • Stuart Walsh
  • Alikalael
  • Alejandro Baleta
  • Geir Ove Myhre
  • gabroarellos
  • Diego Martín
  • Luis Carlos Martínez
  • Fernando Lewis de Mattos

Juan Pablo Pira's Discussions

Minguet e Yrol
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Juan Pablo Pira Jul 25, 2016.

Baroque guitar in far far away places
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Juan Pablo Pira Sep 12, 2015.


Juan Pablo Pira's Page

Latest Activity

Juan Pablo Pira updated their profile
May 4, 2022
Juan Pablo Pira left a comment for Ryan McWilliams
"Welcome to Early Guitar and Vihuela.  Plenty of friends, music and ideas in here."
Oct 19, 2021
Juan Pablo Pira replied to beppe animosi's discussion Passacaglia of Biber on baroque guitar
"I have some variations... not even close to being finished, but you can get the idea."
Oct 3, 2021
Juan Pablo Pira replied to beppe animosi's discussion Passacaglia of Biber on baroque guitar
"try one step higher.  I think I have at least some of the variations."
Oct 3, 2021
Juan Pablo Pira replied to Rainer Luckhardt's discussion Strange tab-letter in "Tablature de guittarre" de Mr. Dupillé
"I was thinking it could be a trill.  In Spanish tabs you find things like 2% with a 3 underneath the % meaning that you are supposed to trill on frets 2 and 3. Since French tab uses the top line for highest string, it makes sense to use then b…"
Oct 3, 2021
Juan Pablo Pira replied to Monica Hall's discussion Princess anne's "Lute" book
"Though I am over two years late, I hope I can get a copy of it, too.  I was looking for a piece called "Running Footman". Do you know if I can find it there?"
Sep 27, 2021

My Music

1. Clarines suaves (Manuel José de Quiroz) A Christmas piece for two tiples and continuo.

clarines SOH.pdf

2. Two pieces from "regla de entrastar". Two beginner pieces from an 18th century guitar instruction book for absolute beginners. Baile inglés is a very simple piece used to explain tablature. Minueto por Alamire Mayor is a short minuet for guitar. My very special thanks to Luis Antonio Rodríguez Torselli who gave me access to these pieces.

Baile ingles.pdf

3. A passacaglia for four-string guitar tuned in fourths DGcf. This tuning was used in Guatemala in the early 18th century. I thought about transcribing Biber's passacaglia for solo violin, but changed my mind before I reached the fifth bar. (Top line is highest string)

4. Canario by Guatemalan baroque composer Manuel Alvarez. Very similar to pieces with the same name by Sanz and Guerau. This piece is set for a four-string guitar tuned DGcf. (Bottom line is highest string). UPDATE: Probably, this was not written for a guitar but for a bandurria or a mandola. Both instruments are quite different from the modern instruments with the same name).

5. Fantasmas. Another piece by Manuel Alvarez. UPDATE: Probably, this was not written for a guitar but for a bandurria or a mandola. Both instruments are quite different from the modern instruments with the same name).

6. Fantasmas del Sueño. Another theme and variations by the same composer. UPDATE: Probably, this was not written for a guitar but for a bandurria or a mandola. Both instruments are quite different from the modern instruments with the same name). Suenho.pdf

7. Gavotte I and II from J.S. Bach's Suite VI for cello solo. Gavotte I y II FR.pdf . Also transcribed from the V cello suite, Sarabande.  I did not use the lute suite since most bass notes would be out of range.  Easy to read through, yet very difficult to play beautifully. sarabande.pdf

8. Dios Nimahau. Part of the Santa Eulalia choir books dated from the late 16th to the early 17th centuries. Originally a small piece for four voices. There is only a partial text -in a Mayan language, possibly Q'anjob'al- for the tiple. The title is partially in Spanish and partially in a Mayan Language and could translate as "God, great Lord". Dios being "God" in Spanish and Nimahau formed by "Nim"- great, large and "Ahau"- Lord or ruler. Modern spelling for Mayan languanges would use "Tyox Nimajaw". I have transcribed it for baroque guitar. "French" tuning is OK, but it sounds better with bourdons on the 4th and 5th strings. Nimahau.pdf

9. Ave Maris Stella. The previous piece reminds me of Antonio de Cabezón's "La dama le demanda", so I decided to add a little piece by this composer. I'm sure it would sound better on a lute, but it works on a baroque guitar. Ave Maris.pdf


10.  Two easy pieces.  These might work better with bourdons on the A string.  Brian Boru.pdf and All through the night.



Profile Information

About me:
I play baroque guitar for fun!!!

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Comment Wall (49 comments)

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At 18:54 on October 26, 2015, Jim Arlow said…

Hi Juan - nice to "meet" you!


At 20:17 on April 14, 2011, Valéry Sauvage said…

Hello Juan Pablo,

Your Bach arrangements are very nice and cool to play ;-) Thanks for providing it.

I have some others by Javier Hinojosa (from the bwv 1006) I will post tomorow 2 menuets.

All the best


At 22:01 on April 5, 2011, gabroarellos said…

Estimado Juan Pablo:

Me llamo Gabriel Arellano y soy miembro del Grupo Cinco Siglos de Córdoba (España). Como he visto, sabrá por Diego Martín que estamos interesados en rescatar la bandurria barroca y hemos trabajado en las piezas que, al parecer, compuso o quizás tocó nuestro paisano Luis de Góngora. He sabido por esta página de las piezas de Manuel Álvarez que creo que ha usted trabajado bastante y, ante la posibilidad de que sean piezas para bandurria estoy muy interesado en saber algo más de este compositor y, por supuesto, en conseguir su música.

Quedaría muy agradecido si pudiera facilitarme cualquier información, si está editada, donde se puede comprar, etc.

Puede responderme a mi correo personal:




Gabriel Arellano

At 16:10 on November 18, 2010, Geir Ove Myhre said…
Thanks Juan!
At 1:22 on July 20, 2010, Diego Martín said…
Hola Juan Pablo. Ahora que estoy de vacaciones he empezado a mirarme Canario de Manuel Álvarez. Suena estupendo; pero tengo algunas dudas. Comparando tu transcripción con el original me he dado cuenta de que falta una hoja del mismo. ¿Podrías mandarme la 2ª hoja del original de Canario?
Y tú ¿Qué tal llevas la Jácara de Góngora?
Un saludo desde Salamanca
At 14:43 on July 9, 2010, Jelma van Amersfoort said…
Thank you Juan Pablo. The singer is Sigurd van Lommel (counter tenor). The piece is anonymous, arranged by Giacomo Merchi.
At 13:09 on May 13, 2010, Diego Martín said…
Hola Juan Pablo. ¡Cuánto tiempo!
Quería hacer una pregunta por si casualidad sabes dónde pudiera encontrarlo. Estoy interesado en el "Método de bandurria, Melódico y Progresivo". Por Carlos Zorzi, 1900. Editado en Chile por la editorial Otto-Becker. ¿Sabrías decirme dónde puedo conseguirlo?
Muchas gracias
At 19:47 on April 7, 2010, Diego Martín said…
¿Y tú crees que se podrían tocar con el mandolino (por cuartas)?
Por cierto, en el manuscrito deManuel Álvarez aparece una numeración de +7, +8, +9, +10... etc. Son como marcas de ensayo. Lo curioso es que comienza desde el 7. ¿Puede ser que le falten hojas al manuscrito? Un saludo desde Salamanca
At 9:52 on April 3, 2010, Diego Martín said…
Hola Juan Pablo ¿Te llegó bien la jácara?
At 13:42 on March 25, 2010, Diego Martín said…
P.D. El manuscrito Skene de mandor está escrito en notación francesa. Pero no sólo he visto una transcripción del mismo.
El cifrado ha sido muy usado en la bandurria, incluso hoy en día lo manejan muchos aficionados. (música en cifra).

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