Early Guitars and Vihuela

A network for historic guitars and vihuelas


I just posted some videos with the 6-course guitar (Vargas, Ferandiere, Abreu). 


Enjoy it,


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Comment by Lars Hedelius-Strikkertsen on February 28, 2012 at 10:25

How famous was this music by Guzman. Would the guitarist from the 19th century with there singled stringed guitars have played his music.

Comment by Thomas Schmitt on February 27, 2012 at 9:47

The 13 sonatas are published in 3 volumes by Juan José Escorza y J. Robles-Cahero in the Archivo general de la nación en México City in 1986 (ISBN: 968-8053132-9):

Juan Antonio de Vargas y Guzmán’s ’Explicación para tocar la guitarra de punteado por música o cifra, y reglas útiles para acompañar con ella la parte del bajo’ (Veracruz, 1776)

An earlier versión (Cádiz, 1773) was published by Ángel Medina in the "Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía" (Granada, 1994). ISBN: 84-87769-16-0

Only this edition contains the minor works like "marcha o minué".

Comment by Lars Hedelius-Strikkertsen on February 26, 2012 at 18:32

the music by Guzman. Is it possible to get that in the facsimile print. I now that theres an edited version of his 13 sonatas for the guitar, but I'm not that into modern reprint with modern fingering.

I've search and found that Schott has made a reprint and its edited by Miguel Alcazar. Does anyone know this edition and is it any good

Comment by Rob MacKillop on February 26, 2012 at 10:03

Very nice. I hear some Scarlatti moments here and there, in the Vargas y Guzmán piece. 

Comment by Thomas Schmitt on February 26, 2012 at 9:32

Only the first string is single, the other ones are unison pairs; and the sixth course uses an octave stringing (this manner was described by Ferandiere).

Comment by Scot Tremblay on February 25, 2012 at 21:38

Very Nice, Thomas! Beautiful sounding guitar and well played. Inspires me to make that Pages 6 course I've been thinking about for a few years.

Comment by Lars Hedelius-Strikkertsen on February 25, 2012 at 21:23
very good. love the sound of the instrument as well. Are all the strings in course or is the 1. string a single one as with the baroque guitar.

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