Early Guitars and Vihuela

A network for historic guitars and vihuelas


I'd be grateful for any English translation of the Spanish, Italian and French texts of the following songs with guitar by Moulinie (Airs de cour, 1629) and Corbetta (Guitarre Royale 1671). All verses if possible.

Dialogue - 'Souffrez beux yeux' with 'Espagnol je te supplie'

'Repicauan las campanillas'
'Por la verde orilla'   
'Orilla del claro'
Allemande Cherie de Duc d'York 'Chi vuol la liberta' 
Sarabande Tombeau de Madame ' Falloit il o Dieux'              
Gavotte aimez du Duc de Monmouth 'J'ay bergere et nuit et jour'
In hope......

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Are there any on-line sources for these???


Indeed there is - and on this very site.


Click on Scores (above) then scroll down to pieces for Voice and Guitar


Click on the pieces by Moulinie and you go to Timo Peedu's site which has the Moulinie pieces.


Unfortunately the Corbetta are not on line (I think) but if you are intending to translate them (they are in Italian and French) I could scan the pages for you.






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