Early Guitars and Vihuela

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I read somewhere that there are 30+ peghead designs in a museum that holds alot of Stradivarius instruments. Does anyone have a link to pictures of them? I think this is the place. I would be interested to see what he came up with, as we only have the few guitars.


a) Reperti in exposure coming from the laboratory of Antonio Stradivari Is dealt of a corpus, only to the world, constituted from forms in cartacei wood, models and several tools.

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I can't say that I'm aware of these. I thought that Sacconi had catalogued what remained of his tools, moulds and paper templates in his book. I certainly remember seeing paper Lute templates and (possibly) one for Baroque guitar? I can't remember, I'll have to look at the book again. I just don't remember seeing peghead designs.
30+ peg head designs ... Well, this perhaps is the overall number including those of guitars ...? I do not own the Sacconi's book but there are a few peg head design patterns illustrated in this book: "La chitarra 'giustiniani' Antonio Stradivari 1681" by Gianpaolo Gregori. They are not that terribly exiting, in a way a bit like his surviving guitars ... if you don't mind me saying so ;)

Not sure if anybody is still interested in this topic ...? Anyway I've found a further confirmation about the number of surviving guitar peg head templates in Cremona ("Antonio Stradivari and baroque guitar making" by Stewart Pollens, p.217 in The Cambridge Companion to the Guitar, 2003). In other words what is shown above is all there is.
Exellent, thanks for posting. I will put these into photoshop and see what they look like! So we have 5 plus surviving guitars. I think Strad used a slanted peghead, not the straight one as in the 'Marie Antoenette style?

Theoreticly it should be easy enough to design some 'new ones', but I am having a hard time with it.


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