I've been playing guitar for a number of years and planned to purchase a Baroque guitar 6 months back... but as I was seeking one out, I saw a used 7 seven course Lute for sale that was too good of a deal to pass on...
I'm actually real happy with the quality of the lute I bought, but with 3 kids all under 5, I simply don't have the time to dedicate to it + I also now realize that most of the music I want to play is best served on on the Baroque guitar...
With that said, I have decided to sell my lute and will be putting it up for sale soon...
If anyone has a baroque guitar that they want to sell or knows of a luthier who can make one for around $2K-3.5K, please let me know?
You can have a look at Daniel Larson's web site. His cheapest basic Baroque guitar is around $1600, you can also choose additional details/wood and the price will be accordingly. Good luck in your quest!
Best wishes
I'd highly recommend John Rollins as well (He's currently completing a 13 course Burkholtzer for me). He makes beautiful lesser ornamented Voboam models in the 3-3.5k range from what I can recall. He doesn't have a website but you can send an email to him for his contact info; price lists; terms, etc. jrollins0 at yahoo dot com.
I am not sure if this luthier is in your price range, but he is clearly a good option. Juan Carlos Soto in Costa Rica is a great luthier... I have tried a lute, a renaissance guitar and a vihuela made by him and all were great instruments. You can hear his instruments in this site
Thanks for the replies.
I contacted both Rollins and Soto...
Rollins can do striped down version in my price range...
Soto sent me some photo's, his work looks top notch, but he's a bit out of my price range.
Going to think this one over a bit... I don't think I would wrong with either...
seems to be a lot of talented luthiers out there these days...