Early Guitars and Vihuela

A network for historic guitars and vihuelas

Dear friends,

i have find this manuscrit anonyme in bibliotheque santacecilia : http://bibliomediateca.santacecilia.it/bibliomediateca/cms.view?mun..., i want to know if  anyone have some informations about this manuscrit, i have see this manuscrit and played some pieces, i see some allemanda  and prelude

of Bartolotti, but it ' s not signed ,for some other music we can see near allemanda or prelude ''del  Rainer''  , who is Rainer? this manuscrit contains a very nice music.

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Thank you for this link which you posted some time ago.
It seems as though it is only possible to access it one page/image at a time and , since there's some 230+ pages, it's all a bit time consuming.  Have you combined the images to produce a PDF which can be downloaded singly? If so I'd be grateful for it.
Martyn Hodgson


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