i am a classical guitarist and fascinated of the early baroque music. so i decided learning to play this music on a baroque guitar.
My luthier who build my classical will build one for me.
So, i want to know from the "players" which things are important by planning the instrument.
- Stringlength: i never played an bg before. playing know a SL 65 cm "Torres" and for the classical repertoire it is quite comfortable.
- frets on the neck related to the stringlength or how many frets are required on the neck to play sanz, corbetta, de murcia...
Hello michael, I see you haven't got any replies yet. I have ordered a Baroque guitar from Luciano Faria and still after almost 1 1/2 year I haven't got it! But I have converted my first classical-a rather smallish one- into a "baroque" guitar by inserting three xtra pegs and strung it with nylon baroque strings from Strings by mail. It works fine! But the real thing has 10 frets on the fretboard and usually 2 on the board. It's ok with a string length of 65. Space between the courses: I ordered a vihuela to have the centres of the courses where the strings are on a classical guitar in order to switch more easily from one instrument to the other and I am very happy with that, It saves me a lot of adaptation. You should think about it too. As for the distance between the two strings of a course you should approach a luthier of baroque guitars, for instance Alexander Batov.
For the renaisssance guitar, the plan of the Belchior Diaz was available in England ;
perhaps you can ask to Alexander Batov where is it possible to find it ...
RCM 171 Guitar by Belchior Dias, Lisbon, 1581, £25
Vaulted back, body length 365 mm, belly not original.
(2 sheets, 1120 x 770 mm, with additional notes)
Drawn by Stephen Barber, 1976