Early Guitars and Vihuela

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Hello, Can anyone recommend editions or sources of music by Vargas y Guzman? Thank you -- Thomas

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Hello Thomas, there is an edition by Schott but it is heavily edited - they removed the continuo part. Jelma

Here's one thing I know of on line:



Click "Documento Completo" and you will be directed to a page where you can download a digital copy (It's pretty big). There's a few pieces there but probably not what you're looking for.

Dear Scott,

Many thanks for this link. However I can only open a paper on the collection by Alvarez. Can you advise how to download the complete facsimile - or isn't this on offer?

Thanks Martyn


I tried to dwnld again hoping to find the facsimile but failed....

If there's just the odd piece in the editor's (Alvarez) transcription I'm not so interested. 




Vargas composed also 13 sonatas for guitar and bajo. They are published in 3 volumes by Juan José Escorza y J. Robles-Cahero in the Archivo general de la nación en México City in 1986 (ISBN: 968-8053132-9).


O, thanks Thomas S. I do want that edition :-) Do we know what the bajo is supposed to be? A cello, or a second guitar, an organ or a harpsichord?

In a very interesting article by Antonio Corono Alcalde ("Dos sonatas novohispanas para guitarra del siglo xviii: un caso de musicologia forense", in: ANUARIO MUSICAL, 62, 2007, pp.205-228) the author says that the bass can be realized with a second guitar or a clave. He bases this on an advertisement in a newspaper where two guitar pieces are announced in 1788 as like: “Dos tiranas graciosas á solo, con baxo para guitarra ó clave, intituladas el sudor de la tirana, y el fandango Español.”

Best, Thomas

Thank you. Very cool. I need to learn Spanish, seriously. 

Bajo = basso (bass). Thus, any instrument capable of playing the bass line.


Thank you, Thomas. I've emailed the Archive general de la nacion en Mexico City to ask about the edition of the 13 sonatas. Can the volumes be purchased from them?

Thomas T.

I'm not sure. I bought the book years ago in Madrid in a music bookshop specialized in early music. Here is the link: http://www.ars-antiqva.com/

Best, Thomas

You might try finding the "Inter-American Music Review", Volume VI. Fall 1984, Number 1. pp. 1-28 for the article titled "Two Eighteenth-Century Treatises (at Mexico City) On Instrumental Music by Juan José Escorza and José Antonio Robles-Cahero. They reproduce 13 sonatas, possibly by Vargas y Guzman. The score is in treble clef and very lightly figured bass clef.


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