Early Guitars and Vihuela

A network for historic guitars and vihuelas


anyone any leads towards buying a fairly good second-hand baroque guitar . After selling a lute and a couple of other instruments i might have enough....

I am a member of the lute society and I know they sometimes have adverts.And there is the Greenwich Early Music Festival which I will attend.

Any other suggestions?

 On Ebay there is a new guitar by Morillo; I dont know anything about this workshop - maybe someone here has has played one

I also found the discussion here on 'Advice about where to get a Vihuela' interesting - maybe the Tiendaslatinas site is a possibility since someone here has had good experience with them

All the best


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I have the Morillo Latin Guitar. It's no more than OK. I looked at the ebay Morillo baroque guitar, but for the same price you could get a vihuela by Alexander Batov, one of his plain vihuelas in B or A (an A vihuela was very common) or for a little more, a plain vihuela in G. His plain vihuelas have little in the way of decoration, but they are structurally the same instrument.

Rob - unfortunately not on commission! ;-)
Thanks for your reply Rob

i checked out Alexander Batov's site http://www.vihuelademano.com/guitars.htm and he does have simpler flat backed guitars for under £2000, which is at my extreme limit , but possible ; (his workshop, which I have never visited, is not too far from me) My guess is that a Batov would be distinctly better than a Murillo, but that the latter would be fineas an introduction to the instrument. (Rob - I just listened to you playing Sanz on a Batov guitar, and the sound really is exquisite.)

Best wishes

Sorry, I got confused after your mention of the vihuela discussion. I thought you were looking for a vihuela. My mistake.
I've just uploaded a video here of the Morillo so-called Latin guitar in action. Wire strings are a nightmare to tune, but otherwise it was an enjoyable experience playing it. The bridge has a metal bar in it, presumably because of the wire strings. Not a baroque guitar, but it might give you some idea of the quality of the instruments by Morillo.
Oh, Batov is definitely a master, and he is a member of this site too :-)
I agree with Rob, Sacha Batov's instruments are fantastic!
Dear Tony,

Have a look at luthier Marcos Kaiser Mori. He is very good and very affordable. I have a baroque guitar by him, and so has Fabio Vianna Peres who is also on this site. Here is Marcos' website.
I looked at his website and they look beautiful; I have emailed Marcos

Many thanks, Jelma
Yes, my guitar was made by Marcos. I think it's a great instrument and each day it sounds better.
Dear Fabio, I ordered mine mostly because yours sounds and looks so good :-) J.
Marcos replied in a very friendly and informative manner. He is very pleased to know he has been recommended here . He has 3 BG models - the Spanish (Mallorca) model, the Verboam/French and the Sellas/Italian. Could anyone describe how different these might be to play?


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