Early Guitars and Vihuela

A network for historic guitars and vihuelas


I'm new to the forum, so I'm sorry if someone allready posted this, but I am looking for the list of available baroque guitar drawings. Also if someone has some experience and thoughts about "good" candidates for a replica instrument. I'm new to the baroque guitar but am fascinated more and more about the capabilities of those early guitars.


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Check this page.  http://www.crane.gr.jp/CRANE_etc/CRANE_Plan_E.html

Remember to take a look at these... 


There used to be a more baroque-looking plan, but I have not been able to find it in the new site.

Thank you Juan. I know about this site, also I have the Checucci guitar drawing. I was thinking more about the drawings from various museums (there are quite a few plans available from this source). What would be the best candidate for let's say Sellas guitar, or Voboam?

Also from the standpoint of sound, not just estetics.


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