Early Guitars and Vihuela

A network for historic guitars and vihuelas

A modern edition of music from the Pepys Library for baroque guitar to be published this year

For those who may be interested in baroque guitar accompanying voice, an edition of airs & recitative by Jean-Baptiste Lully and arranged by Cesare Morelli will be published by the UK Lute Society in November 2014.

This music is from volume 2804 in Samuel Pepys Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge University and the pieces are arrangements from Lully's operas 'Cadmus et Hermione' and 'Thesee'. These are mainly arranged for solo voice, guitar and basso continuo. There is also one vocal duet arrangement and some music for voice and guitar only. Morelli was employed by Pepys in the 1670s & 80s for several years.

This modern edition is the product of my own recently completed postgraduate research at Goldsmiths, University of London. Although a few individual songs from the Pepys collections have appeared elsewhere, I believe this is the first substantial modern edition of music from the Pepys Library.

More details should be available from www.lutesociety.org in the near future or send me a message if you have a question! This was a very interesting project and hopefully many people will enjoy playing this music in the future.

Best wishes,

Jon Rattenbury

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Comment by jon rattenbury on November 22, 2014 at 12:40
UPDATE 22nd Nov 2014:
The edition of Lully arranged by Morelli from the Pepys Library is now available. You can view and order from The Lute Society at this link: http://www.lutesociety.org/pages/catalogue#j
Comment by Jelma van Amersfoort on September 26, 2014 at 10:21

Congratulations, Jon! I suspect a number of members here will want a copy.

Best, Jelma

Comment by Rocky Mjos on September 25, 2014 at 17:42


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