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Hi everybody
I was wondering if somebody had some mandore tablature? Something for a 4 course instrument tuned 5th-4th-5th.
there is a link to the Chancy publication for four-course mandore here:
You have to re-tune the top string for some of the music.
Stuart, I couldn't quite figure out how to get the Chancy manuscript from this site. Do you have to apply for it, and then do you have to pay something? This is the first I have ever seen of a way to get a facsimile of this. I tried different houses, and they said, "Just don't loose the copy you have!" In other words, nobody ever found a way to get this. But not it seems there's a reprint from microfilm on offer? If you can explain a bit of the logistics, that would help a non-French speaking guy like myself.
I do have a copy of the music, but not the cover, tuning instructions, or whatever else may have been present in the manuscript. I'd sure like to see all that!
I also know Ron McFarlane recorded music from the Skene manuscript, and Mel Bay published transcriptions.
Rob MacKillop has recorded the mandore... I haven't figured out how to listen, though... Maybe I need to sign in? Anyway, he would be your man if you're willing to consider 5 courses instead of 4.
I haven't figured out how to listen, though... Maybe I need to sign in?
I don't think Rob has gotten to posting recordings from the Skene on this site yet. This is a work in progress and he started it fairly recently. You don't need to sign in to listen to the MP3's he has recorded. For example, go to the Balcarres page and click on any of the song titles.
Also, in the meantime I highly recommend his album "Flowers of the Forest" which has some nice 5 course mandore music on it.
Also check the lute ning site for mandore/mandour tab. There are a few discussions there.
Thanks, I finally realized that. It amazes me how prolific Rob is...
Yeah Rob is "all things strings". If it has strings on it, he's probably played it; and played it well, too. His websites provide an invaluable source of information as well, both in terms of historical scholarship and as technique instruction. Buy his records and tell your friends! Keep him doing what he does best!
I have a paper copy of the Chancy manuscript (just the actual music, no cover or text). What I don't know about are the legal ramifications of scanning and posting it. I would do that for at least some of the pieces if I felt comfortable... Any helpful opinions?
Hello Chris !
Nice to meet you again that way, after 20 years (Didier Le Roux and I have been your mandore teachers at the Gijon summer course - at this time, Chancy was still only available on microfilm)
Everybody could now download the Chancy (1629) from the Gallica site : https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b52506298g.r=chancy?rk=64378;0
Moreover, there is a work written by Jeff Lambert about this tablature, where you may find the transcription (in full music notes) : http://www.jeffguitar.com/dissertation.pdf
Other french mandore stuff is the Schermar collection (in Ulm) ; Schermar was a german scholar who visited at least four lute teachers in France and Italy in 1626. The facsimile of four books may be found here (the 133a may be found completely included in 133b, therefore maybe there are only three references) :
http://cornettoshop.com/epages/fb6925bb-08a0-466e-89a6-f307106da404... , for those who want to make more mandore stuff from lute pieces !
In those books, you will find music by Simon Jumentier de Laroussiere, but also few pieces otherwise attributed to Vieux Gaultier, Mesangeau and Belleville. Most of the nearly 200 pieces are by Anonymous, the famous master.
By the way, i found very recently (and with the support of J.M. Poirier) what is today the earliest mandore tablature : two pieces "Robinette" and "Vive Louis" that can be dated 1614 by the context (Ballet des Argonautes and King's majority) in the Stockholm SS.253 otherwise dedicated to ballet dance instructions and which contains much Lespine stuff.
I hope that you all enjoy french mandore as much as I do !
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