Hello, I've enjoyed your weblog (although I don't understand Dutch, my knowledge of English and Germany helped somewhat).
It was good to know that your GR could be resurrected from the peel-off of the bridge.
Even according to my very limited experience with my own 54cm-scale RG, I would have to say that the tension of your set of strings seem to be way too strong. My current string set (real gut) consists of 0.42 for a', 2x0.48 for e'e', 2x0.60 for c'c' and 0.79/0.42 for G g') and this is for A=380. This set feels good at A=392, too, but I felt the tension too strong at A=415. Immediately after I completed the tuning to A=415, I tuned the strings down to A=392. A=440 was just out of consideration.
You can see more details of the instrument on my weblog: http://guitarra-renacentista.blogspot.com/search/label/guitarra (I started the blog in dutch. The more frequent additions are in englisg)
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