Although i didn't bookmark it initially, I came across a vihuela medley on YouTube (where else?) in which the performer gave a brief but skillful vihuela rendition of what sounded like Past Time with Good Company. The trouble was it was all too brief. And this is a shame as I found O'Dette's lute setting a tad showy and ultimately disappointing. Technical mastery and speed is all very good and fine, but our first task is to retain the emotion, the "feel" of the piece. The vihuela version did just that. URL below. Enjoy,
I wish I could be more specific, Andrew, but I recall reading that after Henry's death, an inventory of his possessions included two vihuelas. Although I cannot provide a reference, I remember the statement as being very brief and not particulary informative. My best guess is that the vihuelas could have belonged to Catherine of Aragon or her court musicians.