My name is Alejandro Baleta. I play sephardic music with Cantigas de Sefarad (, medieval music with Kalenda Maya (, uder construction) and renaissance music with El Canto de las Vihuelas.
I haven't been active because I actually don't have a Lute but I do have a Viola Da Gamba. I don't know if that qualifies me. It is actually an antique form the 20's. I play the 7 string bass for the most part so the 7 string bass Viol seemed the logical way to go.
Bill Fellows
I haven't been active because I actually don't have a Lute but I do have a Viola Da Gamba. I don't know if that qualifies me. It is actually an antique form the 20's. I play the 7 string bass for the most part so the 7 string bass Viol seemed the logical way to go.
Dec 20, 2013
Christian Schimanski
Dec 28, 2013
Thanks Alejandro for accepting.
Jan 24, 2014