James Westbrook

Brighton & Hove

United Kingdom

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About me:
I research guitar history

Comment Wall:

  • pat o'brien

    Oh, my!

    As you probably know June Yakeley died here in the States in December 1999 while on her yearly visit to visit friends in the States about Christmastime. She said she was about to rewrite her will during that trip. I have no idea what happened to her instruments. I think much of her collection of books went to the Library of the Museum of the Hispanic Society here in NewYork. I suppose the bulk of her things went to her brother, who also lived in London. I can't even remember his name.

    Perhaps her friend close Monica Hall would know what happened. I seem to remember she had bought some rather special instruments. Are you thinking of a particular one?

    There is a bar in Manhattan I go to on the anniversary of her death each year to have a drink in her honor.

  • Monica Hall

    Hi James, All June's books and music went to the Hispanic Society of America. I don't know about the instruments but I would think they either went with the books or would have been sold by now. Her brother Stephen is still around. His E-mail seems to be Stephen@Yakeley.com and his phone no is 020 7609 9846. Monica
  • Monica Hall

    I wish I had ...but I'm afraid not.! Hope Stephen can help but he and June were not on very friendly terms and she left him with an awful lot of clearing up to do! Monica
  • Mark Smith

    Hi James,

    I'm not sure whether you're a player or not, but if you are, would you be interested in playing some Baroque Guitar Duets? I live near Eastbourne, and have only recently begun to play this instrument.


    Mark SmithÂ